HP StoreVirtual 4330 B7E20A SAN Node

The HP StoreVirtual 4330 900GB 10K SAS Storage Node ships with 8x 900GB 10K SFF SAS Disk Drives and HP's all-inclusive software suite (remote copy, Exchange / SQL Integration, Network RAID, and thin provisioning.) 4x 1 GbE ports, 2x 10 GbE ports, 2x 8Gb FC ports standard. Building a SAN with at least two nodes is highly recommended. Inter-node communication (Network RAID) must occur over an IP Network.


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Description Qty. Factory Installed
652589-B21 - HP 900GB 6G SAS 10K rpm SFF (2.5-inch) SC Enterprise 3yr Warranty Hard Drive 8
HP 460W Common Slot Platinum Plus Hot Plug Power Supply Kit 2


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HP B7E20A Feature Banner


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Add HP StoreVirtual Accessories & Options for the B7E20A Node

Hard Disk Drives
Description Qty
652589-B21 - HP 900GB 6G SAS 10K rpm SFF (2.5-inch) SC Enterprise 3yr Warranty Hard Drive

Network (NIC) Upgrades
Description Qty
HP P4000 G2 10G BASE-SFP+ Upgrade Kit
HP StoreVirtual (Gen 3) 10G BASE-SFP+ Upgrade Kit

Expansion Nodes
Description Qty
HP no longer sells starter SAN bundles which can be expanded via separate SKUs. Capacity expansion is achieved by purchasing one or more B7E20A nodes and re-striping data (via Network RAID) or setting up new clusters of different node sizes and transferring LUNs via Peer Motion.  
Power Supplies
Description Qty
HP 460W Common Slot Platinum Plus Hot Plug Power Supply Kit

Description Qty
TA688AB - HP LeftHand P4000 Virtual SAN Appliance Software Stock LTU for VMWare ESX or Hyper-V (10TB License with Media)
TA688AA - HP LeftHand P4000 Virtual SAN Appliance Software Stock LTU for VMWare ESX or Hyper-V (10TB License With Media)
TA688AAE - HP LeftHand P4000 Virtual SAN Appliance Software Stock LTU for VMWare or Hyper-V (10TB License Electronic Delivery)

Warranty & Support Packs

Contact Storage Networks for installation and configuration packages. Storage Networks offers custom installation services tailored to your application as well as HP CarePack Installation / Warranty Services for your HP StoreVirtual 4330 B7E20A SAN Appliance. All HP StoreVirtual 4330 SAN solutions and expansion nodes are user installable as well.




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Contact Storage Networks to assist in selecting and integrating the HP options and feature sets that:

- Minimizes the effort of integration and management
- Accomplishes your IT objectives quickly, with minimal risk
- Leverages your current resources & discount pricing to meet budget requirements

Contact a Project Coordinator today for the information you need to make an informed decision.